Monthly Archives: June 2014

Importance of X-Rays in Chiropractic Care

Hi, I'm Dr. Steve Battaglino, and this is your Health Minute. A lot of people ask about x-ray, and why x-ray is important. Is it safe, and there's a variety of questions that involve x-rays. So, I wanted to talk about it a little bit. X-ray is incredibly safe, especially now that we have digital x-ray systems and high frequency systems that keep the dosage low, so they equate it

Save Money Using a FSA or HSA Account For Chiropractic Care

Hi, I'm Dr. Steven Battaglino with Battaglino Family Chiropractic. You may have heard of FSAs or HSAs, they stand for Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account. These are tax-deferred accounts that are designed specifically for healthcare costs. They work really well, and they are accepted for chiropractic benefits, which is something that a lot of people don't realize. Benefits to this is that, in the case of a Health

620 Petaluma Blvd N, Ste. B,
Petaluma, CA 94952

Sun, Sat


Mon Wed Thurs

8:30am – 6:00pm


3:00 – 6:00pm

